
Utensil Holder

I recently was given a little gadget that I have fallen in love with. My husband found it at World Market. For all I know the rest of the world may have three of these per person but it was new to me so I thought I'd share it.

I have no idea what it's called because I opened it too quickly to care. I call it the spoon holder but really it holds all manner of cooking utensil.

You see, it clips onto the side of you pan like so:

It keeps your utensil from touching the stove top thereby eliminating messes on your stove top and, in my case, getting other stove top messes on the spatula. Pretty ingenious, eh?

Also, there's never a reason not to wash it because it can go essentially anywhere in your dishwasher with no trouble.

I love it. Just a little something else to make life easier and who couldn't use that?

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